Spiegel Geschichte
Tödliche Naturgewalten
Natur + Reisen, Natur + Umwelt • 20.03.2025 • 02:45 - 03:35
The body of an Ebola virus victim lies on the floor of a ward in Kikwit General Hospital among stripped beds and filthy mattresses. The 1995 Ebola epidemic killed 245 people in the city of Kikwit over a period of a few months. (Photo by © Patrick Robert/Sygma/CORBIS/Sygma via Getty Images)
Ein Mitarbeiter des Gesundheitswesens hilft einem Kollegen am 10. September 2015, in einem Ebola-Behandlungszentrum in Coyah, Guinea, persönliche Schutzausrüstung (PSA) anzuziehen.
TIJUANA, MEXICO - APRIL 25:  Pedestrians wear surgical masks along Constitution Avenue April 25, 2009 in Tijuana, Mexico.  The World Health Organization (WHO) warned countries around the world on Saturday to be on alert for any unusual flu outbreaks after a unique new swine flu virus implicated in possibly at least 60 human deaths in North America.  (Photo by Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images)
FREETOWN, SIERRA LEONE - AUGUST 17 : The coffins of victims of a mudslide are carried to the cemetery on trucks draped with the Sierra Leone flag in Freetown, Sierra Leone on August 17, 2017. 600 people are still missing and Sierra Leone buried at least 300 victims of devastating floods on Thursday, as fears grew of more mudslides and accusations of government 'inaction' over deforestation and poor urban planning mounted. With the aim of clearing the overflowing central morgue, burials began in Waterloo, a nearby town where many victims of the Ebola crisis that hit the nation in 2014 were also laid to rest. (Photo by Stringer/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)
Deadly Disasters
Natur + Reisen, Natur + Umwelt
Covid-19 hat gezeigt, wie unberechenbar und global Krankheiten zuschlagen können. Doch die nächste Pandemie nur eine Frage der Zeit. Gesundheitsexperten betonen die Notwendigkeit verstärkter Überwachung und internationaler Kooperation, um solche Bedrohungen zu bewältigen. Vorbereitung und Frühwarnsysteme sind entscheidend, um die Sicherheit und Gesundheit der Weltbevölkerung zu schützen.